Boundary surveys: are used to relocate and / or replace missing corner markers and provide a map of the property boundaries and boundary improvements. Our surveys seek to verify the description in the recorded deed and record interior improvements, such as: buildings and drives, as well as encroachments along the boundary (fences, drives, utilities, and others), affecting the use of or title to the property.
A Boundary Survey helps you find existing landmark features on the ground but the main purpose of pursuing this survey is to address the boundary issues with documentary evidence.
Our findings are based on various factors including field work and historical boundary lines. After the property lines are determined, they are then monumented. BF Dyer helps the missing corners of their property. The professionals here are skilled and serve their clients well.
There are multiple benefits of getting a boundary survey for your property such as:
i. Accurate Description of property
ii. Building Permits
iii. Dispute Prevention
All the services related to land surveys are offered at a reasonable cost. Along with this, the company also offers ALTA survey, Liquor License survey, As-built survey and others. Contact us on 770-943-9742.